Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Green Your Wedding Without Spending a Fortune

Having a green wedding is trendy; green weddings are fabulous... and according to many people green weddings are expensive.
This isn't always true.

Sure if you go out and buy all brand new green items made from eco-friendly materials you may spend more than if you purchased conventional not so green goods.But there are many ways to be green without spending more- in fact there are some ways to green your wedding that can actually save you money.

Here are five ways to green your wedding while being budget friendly.

1. Find gently used or pre-owned wedding items. There are many places where you can find gently used or pre-purchased but never used wedding items- like,, and Some people buy too much for the wedding, others may have decided not to get married while other items may have been overstock from a retail store. Whatever the reason it's to your advantage because you can find anything and everything from wedding gowns to jewelry to guest books and cake toppers for a fraction of the retail price-and you'll be saving money and resources.

Keep reading here.

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