Monday, July 6, 2009

Eco Friendly Mineral Makeup

If you are looking for a pro wedding application that is also friendly to the earth, then I recommend that you try mineral makeup. The huge benefit to mineral makeup in being friendly to the environment is that it has no harmful chemicals or additives, but it is made of all-natural milled minerals that come from the earth. This is a huge asset when you consider how many chemicals and harmful ingredients are found in your normal over-the-counter cosmetics. I would also caution you to read a lot of the over-the-counter cosmetic labels that do claim to be "mineral" because many still do have harmful dyes, fragrances, and parabens. True mineral makeup is made from ingredients like zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and iron oxides.

The benefits to using this type of all-natural makeup for your wedding day are many because mineral makeup is:

· Non-cosmedogenic (won't clog pores).

· Longer lasting for all day wear.

· More natural because you can control the amount that you put on in the powdered form.

· Able to lay on top of your skin in a way that your skin can actually breathe so it is still healthy for your complexion.

· Full of natural sun protection through the zinc oxide content to protect your complexion.

· Able to work best to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles so that your face looks flawless.

· Best for sensitive skin or women suffering from rosacea because it covers redness effectively without irritation.

For all of these benefits and more, I recommend using mineral makeup for an eco-friendly wedding makeup application from my experience as a San Antonio makeup artist.

Another fantastic idea to keep in mind is that you can actually look at easy recipes on the Internet of how to mix your own mineral makeup at home, which is the most green option available to you because you are not only saving on packaging, but you have control of the pigments and natural ingredients that you are using on your beautiful face!

~I'm Bethany North, a San Antonio makeup artist, and I have been a leading makeup artist in my field for over four years. I am licensed as an esthetician, an expert in the field of skin care, and also well versed in the latest makeup styles and applications, but my real passion is bridal makeup!


Melissa said...

Hi! I am the co-owner of a new wedding website launching in a few weeks. It's a directory of queer friendly businesses for people planning their ceremonies. I recently got a copy of your book and was wondering if you would like to be featured on our website. You could write an article on green weddings or we could interview you. We cannot pay you at this time, however. I noticed you're a wedding planner as well as writer! If you'd like to be listed as a vendor on our site maybe we could do a barter where you would get a free listing in exchange for a few articles on the site.
What do you think? Check us out at:
We are still working on the site, but you can get a feel for who we are.

Anonymous said...

wow, there are so many choices out there to have a green wedding. Something I was completely unaware of until now when I started researching on the web.I'm thinking of using solar powered string lights at my wedding. Does anyone know how long they last?